Blog Archive

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Santiago de Compostela

Sue's not really up to a lot of walking, so even though the town isn't that far from the autostops, I looked at driving in and thought I'd found a carpark that would fit the bill for a couple of hours in town.

All was going well on the drive in until we were almost there, just a tight turn then a couple of hundred yards and we were there.
Unfortunately the right turn was into a very narrow alley, too narrow for us to try.

I drove on a bit but no other parking options appeared until we came to some residential flats.

I pulled in as we needed to be stationary for Sue to have a telephone appointment conversation with her doctor from the hospital.

The call came and it wasn't the best of news, but more on that later.

Whilst waiting, I'd established this was residents only parking, but there was lots of space and nobody seemed to concerned we were there, so I decided to take a chance and leave Ed there while we walked the relatively short distance into the town.

But it wasn't a great move, by the time we'd reached the Santiago Cathedral, I'd convinced myself the van was being lifted onto a low loader and carried away to some remote and distant compound somewhere.

Or wheel clamped at the very least.

So it didn't make for an relaxing and enjoyable visit really.
I won't do that again, we'll get a taxi next time.

Although the Cathedral is very impressive and well worth visiting, apart from some quaint streets and squares, it wasn't really my type of place.

It's exceptionally tourist directed. There were dozens of organised tours with a guide at the head with a paddle in the air and a snake of thirty people trailing behind. And of course the usual tourist tat shops selling everything with even a slight connection to the Camino de Santiago Pilgrim trail.

A bit misty this morning

Colourful squares were delightful

The famous west entrance

As it turned out, the van was just fine parked where it was, nobody was the least bit concerned about it and I need not have fretted.

It was also quiet a gloomy morning, we'd had a little rain overnight but woke to a low mist and cool temperatures that hung around until about 1200.

By this time we'd headed up to the Giais Citade da Cultura which stands on a prominent hill overlooking the city.

The link contains some information on the buildings story, it seems it's not quite the sucessful project it appears at first sight and is considered a bit of a white elephant !
It seems cost overruns were it's downfall.
Much like similar projects in the UK so we're not alone in this.

Despite that, it's a fantastic piece of modern architecture which is well worth a visit, has amazing views and an unexpected lagoon at it's centre.

It seems to be a combination of museum, theatre, art gallery, conference facilities and library.

I didn't go in with having Louis with me, and I'm not sure what was open anyway but I thoroughly enjoyed the exterior, and the views of Santiago.

Normal service resumed with the sun out by the time we got to
Giais Citade da Cultura 
I think this is a fantastic piece of modern architecture and I enjoyed walking around here much more so than the town centre.
Probably because there wasn't any risk of getting towed away !
and less pilgrim people 

The Cathedral spires can be seen in the distance

Giais Citade da Cultura  - oops I think a slab has fallen over ?

Giais Citade da Cultura - the hidden lagoon

Cathedral spires again, and the ring road !

Giais Citade da Cultura - another view of the hidden lagoon

Next it was onto tonights parkup, and I picked a good one here.

It's near Pontevedra on the Rias Baixas which are a series of Fjord like sea inlets on the Galicia west coast.

Beautiful doesn't really do it justice.

The motorhome aire is right on the coast at Combarro close to Pontevedra, just some grass and a few palm trees separate us from the sea and we have fantastic views for the evening.

Some art in the park next to the motorhome parking at Combarro


The view from my cab at Combarro

Unfortunately Sue's had a call from the doctors and she may need to have an operation, so that's put a bit of a downer on things here.
We just have to wait for another phone call for clarification on the situation.

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