Saturday 24 March 2018

Our chariot has a name.....

After three years of ownership, I decided to give the motorhome a name, I always used to wonder about people giving vehicles a name, but it seems quite common amongst motorhomers, maybe it`s a result of getting to 60 years or something ...dunno, but seems like a good idea.

Anyway, he is now called Ed, Ed the Hymer !

I hope now Ed has a name he will look after us us and together we will enjoy many trouble free miles around Europe. 

Meet ...... Ed The Hymer

Saturday 10 March 2018

Planning Update

Well, here we are, into the second week of March and the planning is well underway for our up-coming European adventure.

However, two things have cropped up out of the blue though that were definately not expected.

The first was a letter in a brown envelope containing a Summons and requesting my presence at the Crown Court !!! ........ for Jury Duty. Phew, that was a close call, bit worried for a moment. Fortunately it is well before our planned departure date so it should be an interesting interlude.

The second was rather a rather more painful event. I took Louis for a walk and removed my walking boots in the garage. Later in the day, without looking I stepped off the step and yep, you guessed it, my foot landed on the boots, my ankle turned over and I went tumbling....ouch. Not only that, I somehow managed to sprain both ankles at the same time, no idea how I did that, but I did, so I`m hobbling around like an old codger at the moment. Anyway, I have a few weeks to recover and from reading the NHS website, I`ll be needing all of them.

I`ve bought a few things for the trip, a 24gb data sim for the mifi, a spare water pump, a couple of storage boxes and a booking for the Channel Tunnel. That`s a one way ticket, I`ll not book the return until I know when we will need it.

I`ve also got the motorhome booked in at the garage next week for a service / check up to make sure all the mechanics are in order before I tackle those Alpine passes, otherwise known as brake busters.

I`ve also organised garden maintenance whilst were away, ie grass cutting. I don`t want to come back to a jungle !