Blog Archive

Friday 29 September 2023

Saint-Émilion and Libourne


Saint-Émilion and Libourne

First port of call today was the famous wine producing town of Saint-Émilion is a medieval city located at the crossroads of Bordeaux, and Perigoed

The town and surrounding vineyards was made UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999, owing to its long, living history of wine-making.

Romanesque churches and ruins stretching all along steep and narrow streets of this picturesque town set amongst the vineyards.

There was an art exhibition in the cloisters of the church

All the roads approaching the town are lined with impressive looking chateaux's which are the wine producing houses and they offer tasting sessions for tourists.

They also seem to offer restaurant and hotel services too.

I resisted the temptation to buy some wine, the supermarkets do an excellent range without tourist loaded prices.

Following out walk around Saint-Émilion we headed for tonights parkup at another CCP, thankfully this one has not got the builders in !

This morning a grab truck pulled about three feet away from us and with associated engine noise and beeping proceeded to drag some tree stumps and load them onto the truck for half an hour.
So I emailed CCP with a complaint, they've not replied yet but it looks like they haven't charged me for the stay.

We're in Libourne west of Bordeaux and on La Dordogne.

 The rowing lake race HQ is the tall building in the centre

It's next to the parking is rowing lake which has a bit coming off it where a beach has been created with assorted leisure facilities.

I had a cycle around the lake this afternoon for some fresh air and met some goats.

These are the critters trying to hitch a lift from us, Shield bugs. I don't think they bite but they have a cetain determination to join us.

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