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Thursday 28 June 2018

Rained off in Ulm, then onto Rain ?

Today we said goodbye to Glenn and Hillary and left Meersburg and the azure blue waters of Lake Constance and commenced the homeward leg of this journey.
Our destination for this evening was the city of Ulm.
The city was founded in medieval times and is famous for it`s huge Gothic Ulm Minster with the tallest steeple in the world at 161.53 metres or 529.95 feet and is the birthplace of Albert Einstien.
It sits on the River Danube and has a rich history.

Our first stop though was the town of  Blaubeuren, a picturesque village that occupies a position in a curving limestone valley in the Schwabian Alb region.
It`s museum contains some of the world's oldest prehistoric figurines and musical instruments, discovered in the immediate area. There's also an old timber framed watermill fed by water bubbling up from limestone Karst caverns through the Blautopf (Blue pool). It`s similar to the Karst cave systems I saw in Slovenia.
There is also an impressive former Monastry and associated buildings which needed a lot of photographing.

After a wander around the Blaubeuren, shopping done and lunch eaten, we set off for Ulm. We soon encountered light rain that we were confident would blow over. 
So on arrival in Ulm, an early tea was organised with the intention of going into the city after tea on the nearby tram system.
We are parked up on a Stellplatz about 2 km from the centre and right next to the trams. Fortunately they glide past almost silently.
The Stellplatz is called Am Donaustadion (GPS 48.40727 10.00977).
It feels very safe here, there are loads of other motorhomers, and the commuters and shoppers are slowly leaving to go home for the evening to leave the city to us tourists.

It`s a free stopover, no services to speak of but with the fridge working we don`t need any. However the fridge now seems to decide for itself whether it`s going to work on gas or not, fortunately tonight it`s co-operating and lit.

So, a pleasant evening wander around a historic European city in late June sunshine was not too much to expect was it ?
Sadly it was, after tea the heavens opened and we had a deluge for an hour or so and it`s still drizzling now, so our Ulm visit is cancelled for tonight. Rained off !

Only one thing left to do, watch the England v Belgium with German commentry, fortunately beer supplies have been replenished or there would have been a serious crisis.

Our plan now is to go into Ulm in the morning if the rain has stopped.

The next destination is to pick up the Romantic Route at a small town called, guess what …… Rain !

Whether we leave for there tomorrow I`m not sure, it`ll depend how long we stay in Ulm.

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Town

Blaubeuren Museum

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Watermill

Blaubeuren Watermill

Behind the Watermill is the Blautopf (Blue pool). It`s actually a Karst Spring as I saw in Slovenia

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry Church

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry

Blaubeuren Monastry

My Blaubeuren purchase, a Bonsai tree.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo I like your bonsai tree!
    When will door of the day be returning??


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