Blog Archive

Saturday 9 June 2018

Island of Krk – Day 5 Stara Baška

Oh dear, what a night !

We`d had thunderstorms brewing in the afternoon and early evening yesterday and after nightfall they rumbled in with a vengeance.

Not a lot of rain to start with, just the thunder and lightening. Louis was ok to start with but when we went to bed he became really upset by them. Every rumble, some we couldn`t hear but he could resulted in him barking, so annoying when your trying to get to sleep.
I thought it would blow over and be finished in half an hour, oh no, it went on for hours. We`d see the lightening then await the thunder and barking.
Nothing we could do would pacify him, he got really worked up, not like I`ve seen before.
He was getting really distressed and overheating, we tried his muzzle, it worked up to a point but not completely.

I was ready to sell him to the fisherman for fish bait.

Eventually it passed and he went to sleep but the stress must have caused him to vomited and over my bedding, so after a sleepless night I wake up in dog vomit ! Not too much and not too messy but definately not what you want in the morning.
So a trip to the laundry was the first port of call for the day.

I`ll have to do some research online on the dog forums and see if there are any tips or anything we can do to prevent a reoccurrence.

After that start, the day really picked up.
Lovely warm sunshine and not a hint of last nights storm, apart from the staff here brushing the paths of leaf litter blown around.

After the laundry was done I decided to get the inflatable kayak out, I got it ages ago but never had the opportunity to use it, but what better place than here. Direct access onto the beach with crystal clear warm Adriatic sea water.
It took a bit of figuring out, which pump adapter to use where and I was wishing I`d had a trial run at home to get the hang of it.
Anyway, soon sorted and inflated but I`d no idea if Louis would take to it or not.
I put his doggie life jacket on lifted him in and off we went, paddling out around the bays, he loved it. I stopped paddling and drifted for a while and I`m sure he was fast asleep, just being rocked by the waves. Probably a result of no sleep last night !

He really took to it so we`ll be doing more sea kayak exploring tomorrow.

I`m praying for no more thunder tonight, looks like my prayers have been answered. So far all quiet and peaceful.

Campsite Beach

Kayak views of the bay

Kayak views of the bay

Now, how much would I get for him as fish bait ?

Kayak views of the bay

Kayak views of the bay

Kayak views of the bay

Kayak views of the bay

Kayak views of the bay

Me and my sea mate

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