Blog Archive

Tuesday 27 September 2022

We found another beautiful Italian village. . . .

It was far too wet, grey and miserable in Palmanova to go searching for the Roman aquaduct today unfortunately.

We had an awful night last night, after a pleasant afternoon exploring Palmanova in the sunshine, after sunset a thunderstorm blew in and gave us a hell of a battering.

Now, Louis hates thunder ⚡ he gets very agitated and barks like crazy, nothing will settle him down. 
As a consequence we got no sleep until 1am when it had passed by.

We were awoken to more rain, grey skies and a very damp outlook, no thunder though thankfully.

So after breakfast I decided to get a wiggle on, put the pedal to the metal and hit the Autostrada, hang the expense, and with the sat nav set to the west, where by far the best of the weather seems to be just now.
Actually, the expense wasn't as bad as I'd feared, 24.30 euro for about 150 miles journey which saved about 1.5 hours time. So well worthwhile, especially as it got us away from the rain and thunder and around Venice and Padua without traffic holdups.

So we've arrived, or stumbled upon a place called Monte Borghetto.

We're on a lovely small campsite just outside the historic medieval village. It has some very up to date facilities including a lovely swimming pool and a huge motorised solar array that follows the sun to harvest it's energy.

We also have some very upmarket neighbours. There must be 20-30 of the huge motorhomes made by Concorde and Morello. I've never before seen so many in one place, usually you just see one or two on a site. 

These are the type that have a smart car in a garage at the back. They're the size of a tour coach and make my Ed look like a toy, a scruffy toy at that.

Thankfully the site owner put us in the paupers pitchs with all the other owners of lesser motorhomes. 
I'd assumed it was an Concorde / Morello owners meeting, but no it's just a coincidence they are all here, but clearly it must be well known in those circles that this is the place to come to show off your new aquisition and try and make your neighbours feel inadequate with last years model.

We're about 15 km south  from Peschiera del Garda and is a stunning little medieval village on the river Mincio, which I think is a tributary of the Po.

It's become known for its many watermills, some of which are still working.
There are also two large stone defensive gates leading into the village which are now in a state of decay and it looks like they are stabilised and restoration work is due to begin.

It's extremely picturesque and lots of photos were taken.

I think we'll continue in a similar direction tomorrow as we've enjoyed some glorious warm sunshine today that seemed quite improbable this morning when we woke to those thunderous grey skies.


One puts ones Smartie in the back of course, lol !

There's about 2 - 2.5 million euro worth of motorhomes in this picture

Harvesting the power of the sun

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