Blog Archive

Friday 9 September 2022

Gravelines to the Ardennes


Friday 9th September

It chucked it down all night and was still raining this morning.

France's dry and parched lands are looking rather water logged now.

So I didn't get out at all except to give Louis his excercise, so no photos.

Given the rain, I binned off the places I'd planned to visit and set the sat nav for south.

We drove through the French Ardennes region which is a very beautiful area. 
Our free Aire parkup for the night in a little village called Riven on the river Meuse and we're sat here with a great view of the river. I'm just hoping it doesn't flood overnight. 
I think we'll be ok.

Again it's been too wet to get out much, but I'm still hopeful, fingers crossed 🤞

We've been watching the round the clock coverage of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth, RIP.

Tomorrow I think we'll head further south to try and find some dry weather.

OK, the sun came out about 7pm, so managed a few photos

Our free Aire parkup at Revin overlooking the Meuse

Don't be fooled by the blue skies, it was a brief appearance

My neighbours for the night

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