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Wednesday 14 September 2022

More hidden gems in Susa and onto Candelo

Yesterday, when I got back from my evening walk up to the amphitheater I looked on Google maps and realised that just around the corner is the Augusta Arch and it looked quite impressive.
It was built at the end of the first century BC.

So first thing after breakfast I decided to take a walk back there to see it.
Unfortunately it started to rain lightly, but not enough to put me off going.

I'm glad I did, it is indeed an impressive sight and surprisingly well preserved set in an attractive park.

On the way up, there's also a historical church Campanile Chiesa Santa Maria Maggorie.
The church has some Roman frescos and an vast arch, which at first I thought was the Augusta Arch, but no, it has its own.

The Augusta Arch is a little way further up through the park and stands as a monument to the authority of the empire and an indication of how important Susa must have been at that time.

After returning to the van and drying off and supping a cuppa, I then set the sat nav to a non-toll route to today's destination, Candelo between Turin and Milan in the Piedmont Region.

I've read it's one of the prettiest villages in Italy, but it's main attraction seems to be the Ricetto di Candelo.

Medieval fortifications seemingly built and used by the village peasants to protect their most valuable possession's, their wine, agricultural harvests and grain and the villagers themselves in times of emergency, invasion or plague too no doubt.

It now seems to be a place for cultural events and exhibitions together with shops, restaurants and bars.
All in all, it's a very interesting place to wander around.

The other attraction to coming here is the village motorhome parking, in Italy called a Sosta. It's completely free, has all services except electric hook up (well, there are some points but their not working) and is set amongst Hibiscus 🌺 bushes and just a short walk to the village, so a rather nice place to spend the night.

The tourist information office was closed when we looked around earlier but I'll return later to see what else is around the area.

My evening walk took me back to the TIO and the girl in there was very helpful and informative of the highlights of the area.

I think the description of prettiest village is stretching it a bit, but it is a great place to visit, particularly the Ricetto di Candelo and I've enjoyed my day here.
There is a nearby historic city of Biella that the girl in the TIO recommended so I think well head there tomorrow and probably come back to this Sosta for tomorrow night.

So first some photos of the Augusta Arch in Susa . . . . .

Campanile Chiesa Santa Maria Maggorie

Campanile Chiesa Santa Maria Maggorie

Campanile Chiesa Santa Maria Maggorie fresco's

Campanile Chiesa Santa Maria Maggorie, at first I thought this
was the Augusta Arch but thats a little further up

Augusta Arch

Augusta Arch

A view back towards the town

And now some photos of Candelo  . . . .

Our Candelo parkup amongst the Hibiscus bushes

Ricetto di Candelo from exterior

No translation needed

There's no shortage of contenders for door of the day today

Ricetto di Candelo streets

Is it a bear ?

My kind of rest chair

View of the motorhome parking area from the town

Ricetto di Candelo

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