Monday 2 September 2024

Schengen and Rodemack


Monday 2nd September 2024

We awoke to a beautiful day this morning, so I decided to take the opportunity to get my bike out a go for a cycle ride down the Moselle.

Not sure why the long face ? . . . . .

 . . . . .  with a view like this

I headed to the small border village of Schengen which sits close to Luxembourg, Germany and France.

It's main claim to fame was the setting for the Schengen Agreement in 1995 signed by all members of the European Union and led to open borders and the classification of other countries as 'third countries" of which the UK is now one having left the EU. 

Which is why we're now only allowed in the EU for 90 days out of any 180.

Apart from its scenic setting on the river it has little else to recommend it really.

This could be a solution for Bakewell's bridge buckling
under the weight of love padlocks  ?

German tourists on a coach trip

Schengen Chateau

I did cross the river into Germany, which is the first time I've crossed an international border on my bike !

I came across what I thought was a war memorial, but it turned out to be the site of a Roman settlement and some ruins.
It's called 

Monument funéraire gallo-romain "op Mecheren" and was a large residential complex that fell victim to gravel quarrying.

It was looking a bit neglected which is why I investigated it initially, anyway not much of the Roman villa left now, just some stone carvings from a fresco.

By lunchtime we had a heavy rain shower to freshen things up, I'm just pleased I wasn't caught in it.

Next it was off to sample some cheap Luxembourg diesel 🤣 1.41 euro a litre, what a bargain.

We then headed back to France and the village of Rodemack. 

This is listed in the BVoF book. Beautiful Villages of France.

It's called the mini Carcassonne due to it's fortress citadel on the hill and has been fought over many times over the years.

I don't think it's one of the more photogenic of the BVoF but it is interesting and quite quirky.

I had my eye on a artisan micro brewery but unfortunately it doesn't open until Wednesday ☹️

Love this little stone bridge

Citadel walls

Citadel entrance

Gendarmerie looks like it's been closed for 40 years

  I think this is a private garden with some big sculptures

 Notre Dame Chapel

 Citadel walls in the evening sunlight

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