Monday 16 September 2024

A great day for cycling from Borgetto to Pescheira del Garda


Monday 16th September 2024

We woke up to a beautiful day this morning, blue skies and warm sunshine, everything we'd hoped for in Croatia and was sadly lacking.

I decided to get the bike out and go for a peddle along the path from Borghetto that follows the river Mincio up to Pescheira del Garda.

A very enjoyable ride it was too.

What a great cycle path

Local wildlife, actually the turtle is probably alien ?

I reached just outside Pescheira only to find a bridge construction site had temporarily consumed the cycle path.

There was a signed diversion but this entailed joining traffic on quite a busy road, so, being a little risk adverse on a bike I chickened out and headed back to Borghetto. 
Mr sensible lol.

After lunch we left the camper stop and headed towards Pescheira, this time on the tarmac road.

We thought a couple of nights on the lake would be nice, but the camping gods had other ideas.

All the campsites are booked up in Perschiera.

So we headed over to Sirimone further along the south coast of Garda, to another camper stop.

This too is over looking the lake, but not so close to the town which disappointed Sue.

We had a walk along the lake shore path towards Sirmione but by this time it had clouded over and quite a wind had blown up so we didn't make it all the way.

Instead we found a pair of nesting white herons on the lakeside.

We'll try again tomorrow depending on the weather, it's sprinkled a few drops this evening and a little more is expected overnight but fine again tomorrow hopefully.

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