Thursday 12 September 2024



Thursday 12th September 2024

Well we've not had the best of days today, the thunder storm arrived as forecast at about 1am so for an hour we had Louis on edge and barking at the thunder.

It had subsided by about 2am, until about 7am when it started again for an hour.

So we were already feeling a little meh😕 

The rain continued, leaving us unsure which way to go and feeling more meh.

The weather forecast for most of Croatia looks pretty dire, some decent odd days interspersed with rain and thunderstorms.

And that's even down as far south as Dubrovnik

I decided to set off as planned, but by lunch we were questioning the wisdom of staying in Croatia after driving on soggy flooded roads for a couple of hours ? 

Even down to Split it's not looking particularly settled weather although it does seem to change frequently. 

Being stuck in the motorhome in the rain isn't a lot of fun.

I didn't want to be beaten by the weather as we had a similar situation last time we were here and we beat a hasty retreat to the 
south of France, found the sun and thoroughly enjoyed it.

So the best of the weather locally seemed to be in Rovinj, so we headed here, back on the coast.

No thunder but lots of rain.

We'll decide overnight / tomorrow what we're doing, staying in Istria to see if it improves or head back west, Tuscany is looking good, or there's still plenty of the south of France we've yet to explore.

No photos today, you don't want to see Croatian rain even if it is warmer then UK rain lol.

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