Thursday 5 September 2024

Lucerne and Aareschlucht


Thursday 5th September 2024

We had a peaceful night on the sailing club carpark in Cham on the Zugersee.

The forecast rain made only a brief appearance and only after dark for a short time so it didn't bother us at all.

The morning was overcast and much cooler again. 
The weather forecast again predicted more rain but once again it didn't materialise.

So we headed over to the beautiful town of Lucerne on the lake of the same name.

But not before doing a detour to the local Motorhome dealership, and yes, breaking news, I bought myself a brand new Hymer . . . . .

I only went in for some fluid for the loo to prevent the bad niffs and came out with this beauty.

Oh well, I can dream

We came to Lucerne in 2019, and as there is limited parking here, we ended up on the same carpark by the Marina.

On that occasion we overnighted here but it seems that they don't allow that now so just day parking this time.

But the ticket machine is out of order so we got a free stay, wahoo.

In 2019 the park and beach next to the parking were full of students from the university I think have a bit of a celebration in the park. It may have been a graduation party I'm not sure, but it was very much more sedate today and less colourful.

Our previous visit is listed under July 2019 in the Blog Archive, this link doesn't seem to work for some reason ?

So we walked the beautiful riverside, marveling at the medieval bridges, historical buildings and the more modern ones too.

I hope Louis got the message, no piddling on the medieval bridge

The Marina carpark in Lucerne, word must have got out that the payment machine is broken, it was busy when we got back !

It is a fantastic sight but much of the rest of the town away from the river is quite modern and not very inspiring.

It was lovely to re-visit Lucerne five years after we first came here and it was a much easier walk today having lower temperatures, plus the forecast rain never arrived.

Mid afternoon we set off for our campsite for tonight. It's at Aareschlucht between Interlaken and Innerkirchen on route 6, up in the mountains.

The reason I wanted to come here is for a gorge walk by the same name which starts next to the campsite.

It's a beautiful setting on the mountains and tonight we have wonderful views all around, we'll except for the low cloud which keeps making an appearance.

Camping Aareschlucht

Clouds atop the mountains

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