Saturday 7 September 2024



Saturday 7th September 2024

We've had a day of contrasts today, we needed the heating on this morning (first time on this trip) as it was quite chilly parked beneath the Stein Glacier.

We then needed the air conditioning on as we decended from our alpine retreat to the level plains of the Swiss countryside and the temperatures gradually rose to a level where we could discard fleeces and feel a bit sweaty again.

I'd planned a lunch stop at the top of the Saint Gottard pass, but as we approached, it became clear the peaks were shrouded in cloud to the point where it was difficult to see anything at all.

So we pressed on and decended to a service area which had clear skies but little else going for it.
It served a purpose though as a lunch stop.

Our destination was Bellinzona, a small town not too far from the Italian border and the town has quite an Italian flavour to it, and is a UNESCO world heritage site since 2000.

It's the capital of the canton of Ticino Switzerland.

Unfortunately it's doesn't appear to be such an attractive town, mostly quite modern in appearance from driving through on our approach.

But it does have some history and is famous for having three well preserved medieval castles.

Sasso Corbaro Castle, Castel Grande and Castello de Montebello where we are parked up next to tonight.

There is a little tourist train doing the rounds, but I think it really only goes between the three castles.

Roman emperor Augustus built the first fort here in the first century.

There is an admission charge to the Castello de Montebello, but you can walk freely around the grounds and ramparts and enjoy the spectacular views over the town and countryside which is exactly what we did this afternoon in warm sunshine.

Castello de Montebello

Castello de Montebello

Castel Grande - downhill from where we are

Bellinzona town below the castles

Sasso Corbaro Castle - uphill from where we are

That's a big press

Tonights parkup next to the castle

It's been a beautiful day today, but the forecast for tomorrow is rain all day with 100% certainty. That being the case we may have a day on the road and put some miles on the clock heading for Croatia where the weather is improving for next week after an unsettled spell.

The alternative was to visit the Italian lakes, we're close to Maggorie and Como and even though we've visited both before, there's plenty of places around both that we've not been to and they're always beauiful places to spend some time.

I'll decide in the morning when we see what the weather is doing. 

Louis news - he's a lot better today and much more mobile. He hobbles at the start of a walk but after a few paces it eases up and he can walk normally until he's rested, then he's hobbling again for a few paces.
Much like me and my dodgy knees really, lol.
I'm sure it's a muscle he's pulled and he'll be fine in a few days. 

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