Tuesday 3 September 2024



Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Not too much to report today as we've been on the road for most of the day.

We headed south east past Metz and Nancy to the village of Ribeauville in the Alsace wine region.

It's in the hills along some winding roads and we had a brief coming together on a bend with a forestry log lorry, my mirror clipped the back of the truck folding it in. 

Thankfully it didn't smash it as it so easily could have done, it just folded out when we got to Ribeauville and as good as new, nearly. 

There are some deep scrapes on the metal mirror arm so it must have been that that hit someting rather than the plastic mirror housing that would have shattered. A lucky escape.

By the time we'd reached Ribeauville I'd imagined scrapes all down the side and the rear bumper hanging off, but no, that was all in my imagination thankfully. 

Ribeauville is completely set up for the tourist trade with large parties being ferried from one wine house to the next. And there are a lot of them.

On the main street through the town nearly every shop is dedicated to selling local wine, cheese or gifts. Plus the bars, restaurants and cafes.

It's pretty but it's very commercialised, but the surrounding countryside is stunning with vineyards as far as you can see over the rolling hills.

I think I'll just pop in Lidl for a bottle of local plonk tomorrow lol.

Some photos of the tourist trap that is Ribeauville

It's been a hot day, but we had a heavy shower at teatime and the forecast looks unsettled everywhere for the next week or so.

So I'm a bit undecided which way to head next, I'll have to sleep on it.

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