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Wednesday 9 May 2018

Triberg`s famous waterfalls

The first photo below is a shot of the little church on the hill at dusk when it was illuminated and looked very pretty in the half light.

Today we left Gengenbach and drove up to a Town called Triberg in the mountains, famous for it`s waterfall that is the highest in Germany and  drops 160 metres in the valley and town below. There are also Red Squirrels in the woods but we weren`t lucky enough to see any. There was cabin doing a brisk trade in selling bags of peanuts to tourists though. Apparently their favourite tread but not enough to tempt them today.

It`s a very quaint town with lots of souvenier shops full of Cuckoo Clock – the other thing Triberg is famous for. It`s also a very hilly town with almost every street requiring climbing equipment, needless to say Sue wasn`t impressed so having seen what we needed to see, we set off for Frieburg.

This should have been quite a simple 65 minute drive until we reach a road closure ! plenty of signs, but none that my limited understanding of German could decipher. So I had no alternative to set the sat nav for a road blockage and let it guide us. Well, it did to a degree but took some roads that were less than ideal ! It was however a very senic route and I enjoyed that aspect of the detour.
Sue on the other hand was gripping the armrests and turning a strange pale colour, unable to utter anything ! I swear there were finger prints grip mark imprints in the armrests afterwards.

Anyway, all`s well that end`s well and we reached Freiburg in one piece and found the town Wohnmobil stellplatz (GPS 47.99978 7.8257) without any further problems.
They have us crammed on here like sardines but it is a very good Stellplatz being quite close to the town and only 9 euro for the night.
It`s a very busy town with a big University and students tearing around on bicycles all over the place.
On the plus side it is very flat so a late afternoon stroll into the town for some tea was called for.
We had a bit of difficulty finding the Altstad (old town) but find it we did and enjoyed Schnitzel and fries (me) chicken burger and fries (Sue) accompanied by some local beer, delicious.
Freiburg suffered extensive damage in WW2 and little is left of what was there before but it`s an interesting town with some good architecture (re-built) and lots of graffiti absolutely everywhere.
The walk back to the Stellplatz was seeming less appealing by the minute and I considered a taxi or maybe the tram that runs in our direction ? The trouble was all the pay machines were in German only and we knew neither the name of the pickup point where we were or the stop we wanted to get off at ! or how much to put in the slot.
At that point, a tram arrives and we decide to get on and blag a lift. If an inspector got on, I`d have had to play dumb tourist (not hard) and hope we weren`t thrown in the town jail for the night. Anyway we got away with it, nobody asked us for a ticket and we got off at our stop un-noticed. So apologies to the fare and tax paying residents of Freiburg, we owe you probably 6 euro.
Back at the Stellplatz, we continue to receive a satellite signal and so UK television can be endured, sorry, enjoyed. A state of affairs I fear won`t be the case for long as we continue in a South direction.
Actually I have quite liked the new “Who wants to be a millionaire” I think our Jezza is doing a good job there.

The little church on the hill at Gengenbach

Triberg Waterfalls 

Triberg Waterfalls

Triberg Waterfalls

Cuckoo Clocks everywhere

Wohnmobil Stellplatz

Hans Jakob Realschule complete with graffiti

Louis very impressed with these permantly re-filled water bowls in town

1 comment:

  1. I wondered how long it would be before you ended up on a scary road! Did you get the fridge fixed?


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