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Friday 18 May 2018

Peschiera del Garda - Day 2

This morning we awoke to lovely blue skies and did almost nothing after breakfast except sit in the sun until around 1130, then we thought we`d better make some plans for the day.

I`d been contemplating what a “normal” Friday would have been for me if I`d been at home in my usual routine. Work of course, and whilst I miss all the folks at work, friends and family, I was struck by how lucky we are to be on this extended break in such beautiful surroundings.

After shaking myself out of this indulgent contemplation, we decided we would catch the 1340 water taxi to Sirmione, a narrow spit of land that juts out into Lake Garda.
It`s about 40 minutes on the boat and we got chatting to a couple on holiday from Newcastle upon Tyne, very friendly people  and we were pleased to bump into them again in a pavement cafĂ© later in the day.
They had enjoyed a few days in Verona and said what a lovely small city it is, so research is planned for later to see if a visit is viable.

Sirmione is a very pretty town with a small castle surrounded by fortifications and canals very similar to Peschiera del Garda, but boy is it busy, and this is not even peak season. A lot of Italians holiday in the Lake Garda and in July and  August it must be heaving.

The shops are of course aimed firmly at the tourists and there must be more Geltao shops per square mile than anywhere else on the planet, they are everywhere and selling jumbo sized cones filled with about a third of a litre of gelato ! Never seen so many or so large icecreams.
There is also a shop dedicated to doggie gelato and confectionary so our canine friends don`t feel left out.
Louis never noticed, so is non the wiser to having missed out on such a delicious treat.

Walking the lanes around the town the air is heavy with the aroma of Roses and Jasmine and on one house wall was a plaque to NaomiJacob, teacher, actress and writer who lived here from 1930 as the climate suited her tuberculosis she had contracted earlier in her life in Ripon, Yorkshire.

I think there is a great deal to see and do in this part of Italy and it is certainly a great holiday destination. The lake water is an amazing turquoise colour as you can probably see in the photographs.
If the weather appears to be settled, I think we will venture further up the lake to visit some of the towns and villages.

There was no option for a ferry back to Peschiera del Garda so we caught the local bus back and were relieved to leave behind the crowded hoards to their giant gelato.
We enjoyed a lasagne and salad for our tea, very tasty.

Apparently there is a wedding tomorrow and it`s going to be on the telly ?
We can`t get UK tv here now so we`ll have to hope it`s not  being shown on Italian tv, turn down the volume and stream commentry on BBC Radio 4

Our Pitch at Camping Cappuccini you can just see the lake through the trees

Peschiera del Garda Marina

Sirmione canal residents

Sirmione Castle

Sirmione Castle

Sirmione doggie gelateria and confectionary outlet 

Sirmione Church, Santa Maria della Neve

Naomi Jacobs house

Sirmione pavement cafes

Sirmione canalside bars

Sirmione, more canal residents

Sirmione Castle garden

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