Blog Archive

Wednesday 30 May 2018

A chilled out day in Novigrad

We had a much more restful nights sleep in Novigrad than we had been getting in Italy.
It is a good few degrees cooler and very much less humid that where we have come from, a climate much more comfortable.
The cost of living is so much less than rip off Italy and to be frank, the people seem friendlier too, so a winner all round.
Novigrad is a very relaxed and chilled out sort of place. Today we did very little except relax in the sun and admire the view of the bay.
We did have an unidentified and very large bird perch in the pine tree that we shade below, and it thought those Englanders would make good target practice for poop discharges throughout much of the day. The worst episode being shortly after I had got up from eating my breakfast, and it thought it time to empty it`s entire bowel contents right where I had been sat.

After clean up operations I decided to put some laundry in the campsite laundry machines. I shall spare you the trauma descriptions but it was horrendous ! Nothing could I get to work at first attempt. Numerous trips to reception were made in an effort to resolve these problems, never had I thought laundry could be this much of a challenge, I think I would rather smell !
The girl in reception thought I was a retard and the technician she kept calling out was pretending not to speak English.
By about 2pm I had one load of washing that had done two wash cycles, don`t ask, two attempts at tumble dry but was still wet. I had reached my limit and could take no more, I decided to dry the rest on a line, that was until said bird took aim and pooped on my nearly dry, freshly laundered t shirt.
I have just cancelled my subscription to RSPB.

Anyway, I put that behind me after a bottle of beer.

This evening we took the coastal path and walked into Novigrad and had a meal in a sea front restaurant watching the sun setting. Later we had a walk around town and it is a very laid back place, an attractive working harbour and in the town square there was some kind of event on with a live band and children dancing to the music.
All in all a very good day, once I`d forgotten about my woes.

A large (0.5L) beer at £2.72 helped no end !

Some shots of Novigrad and the beachside campsite.

At special request by Alchemey Dental Practice, Stoke, Louis in his Doggyhut trailer

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