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Tuesday 15 May 2018

Lake Maggorie to Lake Como

This morning we left our peaceful spot on Lake Maggorie in bright sunshine and headed south on the east bank of the lake to see what we could find. There were lots of little villages but nothing that really grabbed us so we decided to head over to Lake Como.
The town of Como seems a very busy place and no opportunities to park a motorhome that we could find. After getting stuck up a dead end lane and having to do a mulit point turn whilst being watched over (glared at) by impatient Italian drivers, we moved on.
We drove up the lake to a small sleepy town called Cernobbio and parked on a free car park close to the town centre.

There is a very nice water front and water taxies leave every 30 minutes to Como Town, amongst other towns on the lake, so that`s our plan for tomorrow.
We walked around town and came across a very elaborate villa called Villa Bernasconi. It has the most amazing stone carvings on the exterior and painted panels and is a jewel of the Liberty Style that is now called Art Nouveau style.
All we could discern from the exterior was that it was some kind of museum, so we didn`t go in, but I decided we`d do some investigating this evening and may go tomorrow if we have time.
The other villa in town is Villa Erba, that couldn`t be seen from the road except the for lodge and some very sturdy security gates were firmly closed.

Later, with a bit of time to spare, I decided we`d head up the lake road to the next village, I turned off the main road onto the one to the village. Big mistake, a sign told me a height restriction of 3.5 metres, no problem, we`re less that 3 metre so off we went.
The road was a bit narrow in places but thankfully the Italian highways engineers had measured their bridges accurately and none caused a problem. Those came when we met a coach coming the other way ! It took a bit of shuffling to and fro and breathing in by all concerned but we got past ok in the end.
This narrow road seemed to go on for ever and I was very relieved when we came to a junction and could get back on the road for Cernobbio.

We are parked up on the Sosta at Tavernola, just outside Cernobbio, GPS 45.83517 9.06106. There are nine other motorhomes, just one other is British, the rest are German, Dutch and Italian. 12 euro for the night, 2 euro for electric.

The weather continues to be mixed, sun / cloud, no rain today but forecast still iffy unfortunately.

Villa Bernasconi Cernobbio, Lake Como
Apologies for the delivery vans, typical, no great building in Italy can be photographed with them in front !

Villa Bernasconi Cernobbio, Lake Como

Villa Bernasconi Cernobbio, Lake Como
Also Balcony of the day

Villa Bernasconi Cernobbio, Lake Como

Villa Bernasconi Cernobbio, Lake Como

Water Front Cernobbio, Lake Como

Water Front Cernobbio, Lake Como

Villa Erba Gate Lodge, Cernobbio, Lake Como

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