Wednesday 5 June 2024

Brockhampton Manor and Ledbury


Wednesday 5th June 2024

I set off today heading south by the scenic route, giving the M6 a wide berth.

So my route took me into Shropshire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire.

My first destination of the day was Brockhampton Manor, a beautiful half timbered moated manor house set in 86 acres of fruit orchard for which the area is famous.

It also has a unique gatehouse over the moat.

I think the moat is purely decorative, I can't imagine the house ever needed defending.

It in a stunning setting on the edge of the Malvern Hills.

I spent a few hours wandering around the estate and the orchards and found it to be a really peaceful place, just the birdsong to listen to and lots of other wildlife.

There are lots of house martins nesting in the eaves of the house and it was entertaining watching them darting around in the warm afternoon sunshine.

Brockhampton Orchards

Picture perfect

Brockhampton's famous gatehouse

Brockhampton's derelict chapel

The font survived, just !

A suprising sight in landlocked Herefordshire, it's a replica of a "Trow" called the Hereford Bull. They were used for transporting cargo on the river Severn and in particular fruit from the orchards of Hereford 

Then it was onto my parkup for the night in Ledbury.

It not the most picturesque parking by the skatepark but it's quiet now the kids have gone home with their skateboards lol.

Ledbury itself is a pretty market town with some interesting historic black and white half timbered buildings.

We went for a short walk around the town after tea before heading back to Ed to watch the moving 80th anniversary D-day ceremony from Bayeux war cemetry.

Some views of Ledbury town.

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