Saturday 8 June 2024


Saturday 8th June 2024

I decided to get up early this morning and head to Ilfracombe.

The reason for leaving early was to try and bag one of only 4 motorhome parking places on the carpark next to the harbour.
I figured being Saturday and the weather fine, it was going to be busy today and getting there early might be the only option for parking in the town.

So I set off a long the A39 towards Lynmouth via Porlock.

The A39 has the reputation of having the steepest gradient of any A road in the UK at 1 in 4 or 25%.

So I admit to being a little apprehensive, but it was fine, Ed made it up and down the inclines without breaking sweat.

I also managed to bag a prized parking place in Ilfracombe motorhome parking area.

One of the other motorhomes here is a Dutch couple, they did the same route as I did and were horrified by the inclines. Coming from Netherlands they're not accostomed to steep gradients, but they had a laugh about it.

We've spent the day exploring pretty Ilfracombe town and harbour, and had a walk along the coastal paths.

The scenery is spectacular with rolling hills meeting the rocky cliffs and shore.

It's a busy place, lots of tourist shops, bars, restaurants and fish and chip shops.

There's been a sailing race on today, setting off from here to Lundy Island and back, about 40 miles each way.
So there are lots of sailor types in town today with the.

We had a walk around the harbour after tea and it was interesting watching the boats returning and getting hauled up the slipway onto trailers.

Ilfracombe Harbour

Ilfracombe from the coastal path

Ilfracombe town, the two 'cooling towers' is actually a theatre !

This is Verity, standing on legal books she represents truth and justice and is Damien Hursts contribution to culture in Devon. Her skull and abdomen have been cut away to reveal her brain and a developing foetus inside her womb. 

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