Sunday 9 June 2024

Torrs walk - Ilfracombe


Sunday 9th June 2024

It was a beautiful sunny day this morning with clear blue skies with a hint of summer warmth in the air.

So we set off through town towards the Torrs area along the south west coastal path.

It was quite a climb as the path zig zags up the hillside to the viewing area with a trig point. I'm not sure it is actually a trig, but very similar.

It was worth the effort for the amazing views of the rugged coastline.

My research told me to expect the following 

"Look out for fulmars as they glide below you and ravens or peregrines flying high above the cliffs. Spring is a great time for wild flowers with lovely displays of lesser celadines, stitchwort and sea campion"

Sadly all I saw were seagulls and gorse lol.

But it was well worthwhile, the second part of the walk took me through the residential area which has some huge Victorian villas, sadly many of them look past their best and rather neglected now.

This afternoon a nap followed lunch and time was taken to adjust to the sad news of Michael Mosley, such a force for helping people that everyone could relate to, he'll be missed.

The weather has turned cool this evening, no rain, but it feels like it's on its way.
Such a contrast to the last few days.

lfracombe from the viewing point

We made it to the top !

Cow pat for reference, Louis is the white dot in the distance

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