Friday 10 May 2024

Sea kayaking at Porthor


Friday 10th May 2024

I've not much to report today as I've not moved from Porthor.

We had a great day messing around on the waves in the kayak though.

As usual Louis fell asleep about five minutes after setting off, only waking when a seagull decided to land on the bow and squark wildly.

He woke with a start and I thought he was going to jump out and give chase.

Thankfully he thought better of it and just barked a bit until it disappeared in the distance.

So here's some pictures of our day . . . . . . . 

Not moved an inch !

Not my photo, I found it on the internet, but what a great
photo of the bay and Ty Coch Inn

Nice sunset and I'm hoping for a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis later

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