Saturday 16 October 2021

Calke Abbey


Saturday 16th October 2021

The pub parkup proved to be pretty good, never heard a thing at night, no slamming doors or anything which I'd been expecting.

I was joined by another motorhome and like me, they had planned to park by the Cathedral.

It did get a bit noisey in the morning from the passing traffic.

After breakfast I set off for home with a planned stop at Calke Abbey at Ticknall near Derby, another National Trust site.

It's a place I'd not been to before and was quite impressed. It has very large grounds and lots of interesting things to do and look around.

Today they had an Apple Day, celebrating all things apple. There were stalls selling freshly pressed apple juice, apple pies, apple crumbles, apple chuckney, you name it they did it.

There was also a barbeque. I don't know if there was apple in the hot dogs lol.

I didn't go in the house but instead walked around the grounds in the warm autumn sunshine.

The gardens were looking pretty good considering it's mid October.

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey 

Calke Abbey

Calke Abbey Church of St Giles

Calke Abbey Apple Day

Calke Abbey Apple Day

Calke Abbey Apple Day

Calke Abbey Apple Day

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey gardens

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grotto

Calke Abbey grotto

Calke Abbey grotto

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

Calke Abbey grounds

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