Sunday 22 April 2018

All packed up and ready to go

Well, were just about ready to depart on our motorhome adventure “Wheels Around Europe
Final checks made, lists have been compiled, checked and checked again, Ed has been fueled, oiled and serviced, packed to the max with everything we think we might need and a good deal of stuff we will probably never need.
Louis has been vaccinated, wormed, washed, trimmed and groomed.
The house has been vac`ed, dusted and polished for the benefit of …. er, not sure.
Goodbyes have been said to friends, colleagues, neighbours and family and I think I have come to terms with the idea of stepping off the merry-go-round of a normal work / life existence, at least for a brief period.

After years of dreaming of a tour around Europe, the reality has arrived at last and we set of early tomorrow morning for the Channel Tunnel terminal at Folkstone.

We have never done anything like this before and to be honest, the nerves are setting in a little bit. It all seems rather daunting at the moment and this is definitely a step outside of the comfort zone.
It actually feels like were doing something a little reckless which is rather a good feeling as life so far has seen us always play on the safe side of the fence. A little bit of risk is quite exciting !
For years and years there has been a comforting routine to life of work Monday to Friday, weekend stuff to enjoy and the annual foreign holiday.
All very safe and secure.

It`s only when you step outside that routine that you realise how much you have come to depend on that familiarity, however much we may moan about it at the time, work, traffic jams, road works, pot holes, domestic chores, the hassles and stresses of life in general that irritate us all at times, the list is endless.

But it is always good to set a challenge and I`m sure that once we get on the road and start to experience the fantastic sights of Europe, all those nerves will fade to a distant memory, the days and weeks will fly by I have no doubt.

Family and friends are probably the hardest part of leaving for this trip so we thank the gods of 21st century technology for the means of keeping in touch and I know we will enjoy the contact with everyone at home.

I should state at this stage that the dream I speak of, has actually been my dream, Sue doesn`t really see the attraction of leaving a perfectly good, spacious and comfortably home with all conveniences and facilities, unlimited gas, electricity and water, to live in a 20` x  7` aluminium biscuit tin on wheels ! 

Well I hope that as the journey progresses she will see that this way of life offers the opportunity to experience the many wonderful sights of Europe and that the small sacrifices made will deliver some unforgettably memories that we can treasure for ever.

So I`ll say goodbye for now and report in from the other side of the water tomorrow.

PS. Thanks to all the guys and girls at SOCOTEC for their good wishes and Bon Voyage card.

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